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Sept. 12 2019
My daughter, Cassie, age 13, standing in front of one of the 9/11 memorial fountains during our trip to New York City in June. Earlier this summer, my daughter, Cassie, and I were in New York
Sept. 11 2019
How many people have you heard utter that sentence? I feel like once a day someone in my vicinity says it out loud. Imagine it, your perfect vacation. Maybe it’s a sandy beach at some fancy re
Sept. 6 2019
“As someone who spent quite a bit of time in the hospital receiving lifesaving treatments multiple times before the age of four, I’ve always had a sincere sense of gratitude towards others...
Sept. 3 2019
It’s been several years since we’ve been able to take a string of show cows to the fair
Aug. 29 2019
Around our kitchen table, there has been a lot of talk about babies lately. At our farm here in East Moline, Ill., we have a baby boom going on
Aug. 23 2019
Nestled in Gallia County, Ohio, is a 25- to 30-cow dairy and home to Nick and Celeste Nolan
Aug. 21 2019
I was recently asked a question that I had not been asked before, and I had to think about it for a second
Aug. 16 2019
At the beginning of my fall semester in 2018, my only concerns were keeping up with classes and dairy judging
Aug. 15 2019
Earlier this summer, I was on a search to find the right clipper blades. This challenge reminded me once again that the dairy business has changed, and that holds true in the showing world, too
Aug. 13 2019
One of my goals in writing these blogs is to bridge a gap that I have perceived between the farming side of dairy and the processing side
Aug. 1 2019
This summer our stress level has been heightened. From late planting to shortage of labor to a barn fire — we are undoubtedly overwhelmed and tense
July 31 2019
I usually write this blog on Monday to be published on Wednesday. So today, for me, is Monday. Over the last year, I’ve been a little more open about my mental health struggles, but after the last...
July 22 2019
Last month over 30 4-H, FFA, and post-secondary students from the United States traveled to Scotland as part of the International Dairy Judging Tour
July 18 2019
It’s a day that we will never forget. At a quarter past one in the morning, my husband got a call from his mother, and she was screaming "Fire!"
July 16 2019
June is supposed to be a time to celebrate and promote dairy, but unfortunately, I think what I’ll remember most about June of this year is the extreme level of animal rights activist activity
July 5 2019
We began planting corn on the third of June, nearly six weeks later than we originally planned
dairy bowl
June 21 2019
Growing up as a breed convention attendee and competitor, I knew that the end of the school year didn’t mean the beginning of vacation, hanging by the pool, or even simply relaxing in front of the...
June 20 2019
I recently was interviewed for a podcast called, "Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker," regarding food insecurity and raising kids on our family dairy farm. As I was telling my story — I was
June 12 2019
Summer break is here and so are the kids! Holy moly! I love those little humans, but wow, they have some serious energy
June 11 2019
The last thing the dairy industry needed while it’s down is an abuse video . . . but that’s exactly what we got